Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How to care foot?

Pity our poor feet….The joy of moving around is possible only with the help of foot, but foot is the most abused and strained part of our body. How to care of foot is a common question that everyone asks. I would like to look at how to care foot from two aspects, even though they complement each other.

a. Functional
b. Cosmetic

Functional foot care comprises of foot care advices and footwear advises. This part addresses how to care of foot from the functional aspect

Foot care advices

1. Avoid wearing high heels, higher the heel, the worse the strain
2. Tired legs need rest. Keep your foot in an elevated position while taking rest.
3. Sitting, legs crossed will lead to poor blood circulation and hence numbness and pain
4. If your profession demands too much walking (nurses, salesman)do take care of your feet wearing soft insoles inside your footwear
5. If your profession demands sitting for a long time, take a break in between to move around and give your feet exercise
6. Once in a while give your foot the luxury of a warm bubble bath
7. Cut your finger nails straight to avoid ingrown nails
8. Never use blade or sharp objects to remove corn or callus
9. Always clean your feet using lotion, do clean in between your fingers

Footwear Advices

1. Always buy proper fitting shoes. It should not be too tight or loose.
2. Buy shoes in the evening as feet swell a little in de evening
3. When you buy a shoes go for ones with cushioning and arch support
4. Buy shoes with square or rounded toes rather than pointed ones.
5. Go for soft leather, as other synthetic materials cause perspiration and blisters.

Beauty to the toes

For a chick look one has to be perfect from tip to toes. This part tells you how to care feet from the cosmetic outlook. Pedicure is done to give your foot a clean and beautiful appearance. In Latin pedis means foot and cura means cure. Pedicure can be done once in a month or twice a month depending on our requirement


Home pedicure

1. Remove nail polish, using cotton and nail polish remover
2. Soak feet in a tub of warm soapy water for ten minutes. You can add shampoo instead of soap. Also add salt and essential oils. Salt acts as a germicide.
3. Scrub feet lightly using pumice stone. You can use a homemade foot scrub instead( homemade foot scrub given below)
4. Apply cream and massage foot for 5 minutes
5. Push back cuticle using cuticle pusher
6. Clip your toe nails straight across, rounding the tip
7. Apply nail polish

Homemade scrub

¤ Mix grinded rice in water. Add a drop of eucalyptus. This can be used as a scrub
¤ Mix grinded peas in honey and use as a scrub

1 comment:

General Marketing Service said...

I thought I would send some info for your blog for my situation. Trimming my nails has always been a challenge for me because I have had trouble operating standard nail clippers well.

I wanted to pass along a new item I came across for nail clipping called Clip-Right ( which has a reverse pressure lever. My hand shakes less when using this new style and the result better and using it is easier.