Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Foot structure-Tarsals, Metatarsals, Phalanges

Proper understanding of foot structure and the role of each part of foot in our movement is required to take care of your foot. In simple terms foot structure consists of 3 parts

1. Heel
2. Sole
3. Toes

A heel is the bulged portion at the rear end of the foot. It rests on the ground. Heel pain is a common foot problem of all professionals mostly nurses and salesmen. Everyone should have a proper picture of the foot structure as 60% of the body weight is borne by heels

Sole is the bottom of the foot, referred to as plantar region. Sole is hairless and less pigmented compared to other parts of our body. Sole is made of the thickest layers of skin. Lots of nerve endings located in the sole, makes it a sensitive part of human body

Toes, the digits of the foot are similar to fingers of our hand. In foot structure Hallux , the great toe is the inner most toe, rest is index toe, middle toe, fourth toe,and finally the little toe

Foot Anatomy

Most of the common foot problems arise due to alteration in the foot bone structure. Foot bone structure is as follows:-
1. Tarsal
2. Metatarsals
3. Phalanges

Tarsal are seven in number, which forms the back part of the foot. Calcaneous or heel bone is the most important of them, rest are talus, cuneiform (3), cuboid and navicular.Cuneiforms are three in number-medial cuneiform,middle cuneiform and lateral cuneiform.

Metatarsals form the middle region of the foot structure, between the phalanges and heel. It consists of first metatarsal, second metatarsal, third metatarsal, fourth metatarsal and fifth metatarsal. Metatarsal pain is a common foot problem that affects our daily life.

Phalanges form the toes, which consists of distal, middle and proximal phalanges. There are 14 joints in the phalanges which makes it a vulnerable part in foot structure.

(Click on the image for a better view)

About 30 joints keep the skeletal structure of foot intact. Types of joints are tarsal-metatarsal joints, which combines tarsal and metatarsals, metatarsophalangial joints which connects metatarsals and phalanges, and inter phalangial joints which connects two phalanges

Arch of the foot is the curve at the bottom of the foot. Arches are of three types:-
1. Lateral
2. Middle
3. Medial
They form a significant part of the foot structure

Plantar fascia
Plantar fascia is the strong sheath of tissue that connects tibia to the Calcaneous or heel bone. Plantar fasciitis is a foot problem that hinders our day to day activities which we will discuss in foot problems

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